Real Estate yielding module

Real Estate yielding module

  • The Rental Real Estates  Management  Module from FBC is  based on  the Priority  ERP Platform and  handles all  the operational and financial aspects of income-producing assets management.
  • The module can be run in several configurations:
    • For lessors   – The module will  be used to manage all the inventory of properties, their occupancy, and the periodic billing. This is especially relevant for owner companies that manage the assets themselves.
    • Management Company – Management Company – Management companies that do not own the assets but manage (for the owner companies) its inventory,  occupancy and periodic billing.
    • For lessees – The module can be also used, to manage the properties leased by lessees  to calculate the whole expenses involved.


General Features:

  • The Module works in a Multi-Company environment. Every entity of the module can be managed by different financial companies. For example, one lease contract can contain billing rules from different financial companies.
  • Sophisticated permission mechanism (editing/viewing permissions) in different levels as:
    • Companies /Branches
    • Site (a Complex of buildings )
    • Buildings
    • Billing Types (For example, not everyone has the permission to add/edit or view rental billings rules)
    • Standard Priority permissions also allow enforcement of  viewing / editing permissions of : Forms / Fields / Reports / Budget items / Agents and more.




  • Managing ownerships,(or owners groups)  at one or more levels at each property.
  • Managing splited unit (e.g. a store spread over two floors combined into one unit)
  • Management of a central unit,  for renting several rental units in a consolidated manner.
  • Mechanism for changes in rental units such as: area changes, unit consolidation, unit splitting, etc. The mechanism supports immediate changes, or future changes.
  • Managing Lease contracts  with all the  needed elements such as:
    • Required guarantees
    • Actual guarantees
    • Rental units included
    • Billing rules at different billing frequencies, price linkage, and graces options
    • Manual and automatic extension options
    • Investments in property
    • Absorption of external meters
    • Managements  of lessee loans
    • A mechanism for changes in the contract such as extension, shortening, and postponement
    • Traceability and auditing
  • one-time charges for leases, which can be charged ad hoc, or charged during the monthly billing period. Additional charges can also be received from various user-configurable file structures
  • Billing mechanism for generating bulk invoices. A billing mechanism that allows the production of invoices according to multiple sections, such as: paying customer, billing type, production dates, coverage dates, billing month, etc. The mechanism allows also  billing splits during production, for multiple payments, deferred payments, billing for proforma invoices etc.
  • Full connectivity to Priority’s accounting system.  Each invoice generated immediately creates a journal entry in the Priority system. The journal entry contains all the data from the operating module such as: billing type, contract number, site, structure, floor, unit, branch, etc.
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